Steps to Manually Add a Machine to a Management Server Print

  • acronis, cloud backup, management server
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You have successfully installed an Acronis Backup Agent, but registration failed and machine does not appear in Cyber Protection console.

Or you need to re-register a client machine to another Backup Account.


There are 2 methods

Method 1

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud has introduced a new option to register/ re-register the installed Backup Agent using the installer. The registration or re-registration can be done both on the Machine where the Backup Agent is installed or on a different machine.

To register on the machine where the Backup Agent is installed:

  1. Run the installation file as an Administrator
  2. Click on Register the machine

 3. A browser window will be opened, sign in to the service console: 

 4. Review the registration details, and then click Confirm registration.

 5. The agent has been successfully registered


To register on a different Machine:

  1. Run the installation file on the Machine where the Backup Agent is installed


Click on Register the machine                                                                                       

  1. Click on Show registration info                                                                                      

  2. The setup program shows the Registration link and the Registration code:                  

  3. Copy them and perform the registration steps on the different machine:
  • Enter the Registration link on the different machine
  • Enter the Registration code in the popup registration form.                                              

  • Click on Confirm Registration                                                                                           

  • The agent has been successfully registered                                                            

These Instructions are for Windows OS. The instructions for other OSes can be found in Product Documentation: for Linux OS and OS X

Method 2

Use this method to manually register a Backup Agent.

Note that account name and password used in the commands are for backup user account, not for Partner-level admin

Use quotation marks, if your password contains special characters or spaces.

Instructions below are applicable to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 7.8 and newer. If you use an older version of the product, click here

Windows OS

  1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool:
    cd "%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool"
  2. Issue this command to register the client machine using account and password:

    register_agent.exe -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where  -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account, follow these instructions if the password contains special characters

    or issue this command to register the client machine using registration token:
    "C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool\register_agent.exe" -a <your-datacenter> --token <token> -o register -t cloud

    <your-datacenter> is the datacenter address displayed in browser when you log in to Cyber Protection console, e.g.

Linux OS

  1. Open terminal as root user.
  2. Type in the following command to register the agent using account and password:
    /usr/lib/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where  -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account, follow these instructions if the password contains special characters

    or execute the following command to register the client machine using registration token:
     /usr/lib/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent -o register -t cloud -a <your-datacenter> --token <token>

    <your-datacenter> is the datacenter address displayed in browser when you log in to Cyber Protection console, e.g.


  1. Open terminal.
  2. Execute the following command to register the client machine using account and password:
    sudo "/Library/Application Support/BackupClient/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent" -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where  -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account, follow these instructions if the password contains special characters

    or execute the following command to register the client machine using registration token:
    sudo "/Library/Application Support/BackupClient/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent" -o register -t cloud -a <your-datacenter> --token <token>

    <your-datacenter> is the datacenter address displayed in browser when you log in to Cyber Protection console, e.g.

Instructions for Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 7.5 or older: click to expand


Virtual appliance

See the Solution section in this KB article.


Your password contains special characters, and you receive this error while providing correct credentials:

  1. Encode the password into base64 format:
  2. Specify the encoded password using the -b or --base64 parameter. For a Windows agent, it would be:
    register_agent.exe -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -b -p <encoded password>

If you want-to re-register Agent from one Backup Account to another, and the operation fails, try unregistering the Agent first:

  1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool:
    cd "%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool"
  2. Issue this command to unregister the client machine:

    register_agent.exe -o unregister 

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