Enabling GZip Compression in IIS Print

  • iis, gzip, compression
  • 27

Open up IIS,, go to the website you are planning to enable the Compression. If Gzip is not installed, you will see something like the following:

Enabling GZip Compression in IIS

“The dynamic content compression module is not installed.” We should fix this.

For these go to the “Turn Windows features on or off” and select “Dynamic Content Compression” and click the OK button.

Now when we go back to IIS, we could see that the compression page has changed. Here, now enable the dynamic compression by clicking the dynamic compression checkbox is clicked. Compression is enabled and our dynamic content will be Gzipped.

Testing - Verify if GZIP Compression is Enabled

To test whether compression is working or not, use the developer tools in Chrome or Firebug for Firefox and ensure the HTTP response header is set:

Content-Encoding: gzip

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