Removing your IP from & blacklist Print

  • outlook, live, hotmail, msn
  • 333

If you encounter difficulties while sending emails to any of the following Outlook domain names: ****, ****, ****, or ****, or if you face issues sending emails to Office 365 recipients, it is probable that your IP address has been blacklisted by Outlook (Microsoft). To ensure your emails can reach Outlook or Office 365 users, you will need to have your IP address removed from the blacklist.

Before you proceed, I recommend investigating the reason behind your IP address (or IPs) being blacklisted in the first instance. Understanding the cause will help you take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence.

Certainly! To begin the process of delisting your IP address from Outlook's blacklist, follow these steps:

1. Check Other Public RBLs: Start by verifying whether your IP address or domain/hostname is blacklisted on other public Real-time Blackhole Lists (RBLs) like at Mxtoolbox. If it is blacklisted elsewhere, prioritize handling those delistings first before proceeding with Outlook.

2. Address the Root Cause: Before initiating any delisting requests, ensure that you address the issues that led to your blacklisting. Fixing the underlying problem is crucial. Otherwise, you might find yourself blacklisted again shortly after being delisted.

3. Access the Delisting Links: To request delisting from Outlook, visit the following links:

  • [Outlook Delisting Request](
  • [Office 365 Delisting Request](
  • [Office Sender Delisting Request](

Certainly! After carefully reading the instructions, please submit the form using the provided links. Keep in mind that it might take some time for the Outlook delivery support team to respond to your request, so patience is essential.

Additionally, be aware that Outlook maintains private blacklists that are inaccessible to external parties.

Remember, thorough investigation and proactive resolution are key to successful delisting. Good luck! ????


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