Mac Mail Email Setup for Hosted Mail Print

  • mac, mail client, setting, hosted email
  • 23

In this tutorial we will be guiding you through the process of configuring email on Mac Mail. We are using Mac Mail Version 10.2 on OS X . If you are using a different version or operating system, these instructions may differ.

Step 1: Add Account

Launch Mac Mail, click on Mail and then select Add Account.

Step 2: Select Account Type

Choose Add Other Mail Account and click Continue.

Step 3: Enter Account Information

Enter the following information :

Full Name :

This is the name that will appear on all outgoing mail from this account.

Email Address :

The full email address of your account.

Password :

The password of your email account.

Then click Create.

Step 4: Manually Configure Account

The system will prompt you that manual account configuration is required. Click Next.

Step 5: Enter Incoming Mail Server Information

Enter the following information :

Account Type :

We recommend IMAP.

Mail Server : or

User Name :

Your full email address.

Password :

Your email account password.

Step 6: Enter Incoming Server Port Information

Enter the following information


993 (IMAP or 995 (POP)

Click Next.

Step 7: Enter Outgoing Mail Server Information

Enter the following information:

SMTP Server: or

User Name:

Your full email address.


Your email account password.

Step 8: Enter Outgoing Mail Server Port

Enter the following information

Port :


Click Create.

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