WordPress CLI Complete Guide: Installation to Advanced Usage Print

  • wordpress cli, wordpress automation, wordpress management, wordpress development, wordpress command line interface, terminal, command-line, development, automation
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Introduction to WordPress CLI

WordPress CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that allows developers to manage and automate WordPress tasks from the command line. With WordPress CLI, you can perform tasks such as installing plugins and themes, managing users and roles, and automating tasks.

Installing WordPress CLI

To install WordPress CLI, you'll need to have WordPress installed on your server. You can install WordPress CLI using the following command:

curl -O (link unavailable)
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

Configuring WordPress CLI

Once installed, you'll need to configure WordPress CLI to work with your WordPress installation. You can do this by running the following command:

wp core config --dbhost= --dbname= --dbuser= --dbpass=

Replace , , , and with your actual database credentials.

Basic WordPress CLI Commands

Here are some basic WordPress CLI commands:

  • wp core update: Updates the WordPress core.
  • wp plugin update: Updates all plugins.
  • wp theme update: Updates all themes.
  • wp post create: Creates a new post.
  • wp user create: Creates a new user.

Managing Plugins and Themes

Here are some WordPress CLI commands for managing plugins and themes:

  • wp plugin install : Installs a plugin.
  • wp plugin activate : Activates a plugin.
  • wp plugin deactivate : Deactivates a plugin.
  • wp theme install : Installs a theme.
  • wp theme activate : Activates a theme.

Managing Users and Roles

Here are some WordPress CLI commands for managing users and roles:

  • wp user create : Creates a new user.
  • wp user update --role=: Updates a user's role.
  • wp role create : Creates a new role.

Managing Posts and Content

Here are some WordPress CLI commands for managing posts and content:

  • wp post create --post_title=<title> --post_content=<content>: Updates a post.

Automating Tasks with WordPress CLI

One of the most powerful features of WordPress CLI is its ability to automate tasks. You can use WordPress CLI to automate tasks such as:

  • Backing up your database
  • Updating plugins and themes
  • Creating new users and roles

You can automate tasks using a tool like cron. Here's an example of how you can automate a daily backup of your database:

0 0 * * * wp db export > /path/to/backup.sql 


WordPress CLI is a powerful tool that can help you manage and automate WordPress tasks. With its intuitive syntax and extensive feature set, WordPress CLI is an essential tool for any WordPress developer.

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